lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2016

Post seven

Hello everyone!!

As they say, dreaming costs nothing, so that's what I'll do now.

The place where I would like to live.

The place where I would like to live has total relation with the beach, the sound of the sea, the breeze, the sun, sand ...
I really like that tranquility, the sound of the waves, the wind, is perfect. I dream of being in a cabin, that is very spacious but simple, in full coast, in the sight of the sea. I would love to appreciate the sunset every day from my balcony or from the height of some rock, some sector nearby that allows me to appreciate a panoramic view. I would love to go all day in bathing suits or comfortable clothes, sunbathing, having tea or coffee when the breeze begins to feel a little cold.
It would be beautiful that in this place could be all the people that I want to remain in my life, people that are very important for me.
I'm not sure where in the world the cabin of my dreams might be, I think some beach that is not very populated would be nice, just because I want peace of mind.
I want it to be an intimate place, to allow me to reflect, to meet myself and my close people. A warm place, that does not have great luxuries, only what is necessary. Of course, I would like you to have an entrance to the sea, a bridge that passes over the sea, or something like a dock.
Sometimes when I think of things like these I start to draw, I have drawn the design of the cabin of my dreams in many occasions, but this time I will leave a photo that is very much like what I told you.

See you

Post six


Now it is time for vices!
Today I want to tell you about one of my favorite series. This is Flesh and Bones, is a dramatic series, estadounidence, which premiered on November 8, 2015, is a very recent series. It was created by Moira Walley-Beckett, choreographed by ballet dancer Ethan Stiefel and directed by Alik Sakharov.
It has a single season that consisting of 8 chapters, each lasting 1 hour.

As you can imagine, it is a series that has to do with dance, because it is a dancer named Clare, is very talented, but emotionally she is not very well, is self-destructive and had a difficult past, maintains a couple of hidden truths. This dancer enters a dance company in New York, and there she faces the hard and sacrificial thing is to stay there.

There are many stories that cross, is not the typical story of the dancer who fulfills her dream when she enters to dance to the best dance company, but goes much beyond that. Precisely this is what I love about this series.
Too many interests of power and money that show the cruel reality, in the great industry behind the dance, and the frivolity it entails.

It is very entertaining that they have also been included in the main roles for professional ballet dancers without experience in acting in front of the camera, it is surprising because they did quite well. Some of them are Sascha Radetsky (American Ballet Soloist), Raychel Diane Weiner (Arizona Ballet dancer), Emily Tyra (Boardwalk Empire dancer) and Irina Dvorovenko (former dancer of the American Ballet Theater).

I recommend them anyway, even more so if you are a dancer or you like dance.
It's a shame that the series has only one season. I heard rumors that there will be no more ... I expect the opposite.

Here is a link for a glance:

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

Post five

Summer holidays

I have no idea what I will do this summer, I have only a month of vacations, can you believe it? Well, everyone knows that it has been a pretty irregular academic year, with many breaks in between, which is why I will only have vacations during February.
So the only thing I intend to do is to be stranded on many beaches, unknown and solitary beaches, white sands and clear waters, sunbathing, drinking exotic juices, and lots of ice cream, of course.

I wish I had the opportunity to leave Chile, no matter where, but it would be great to know other places.

But being rather realistic and sincere, I want to travel to the north, to Iquique, to see my family. I have not seen them since last summer, so I have too much desire to compare this holiday month with them. The good thing is that in Iquique there are beautiful and endless beaches to enjoy, that I love, and if there is my family there is even better.

My only nephew always asks me when I will go, he says that I am taking too long to go home, he is learning to read, he wants to read me stories, and he already has a couple of activities he wants to do with me. He's only 5 years old, he's adorable.

I'll leave you some photos of the beaches that I like in Iquique, the water is very refreshing and the sun is spectacular.

This is Cavancha beach, its a beautiful bay, one of my favorites.

Ans this is the cove "the greens", here you can camp, make bonfires, practice fishing, and eat fresh seafood in the restaurants at the foot of the hill. This beach is followed by hills and desert, it is very beautiful. At night you can enjoy an incredible sky, dreamed.

See you guys!

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

Post four

Postgraduate studies

The truth is that I would love to go deeper into other areas that complement my career as a dancer, but for that I need money and for the moment I am not in a position to pay any of that. It hurts my stomach to think that I have not finished the university and I already have many debts to pay.
If this problem did not exist, I would like to study something related to human anatomy, kinesiology for example, I think that complements me perfectly, it would help me to understand much more about the mobility of my body, about its care, what to do in case of injuries, identifying the location of the injury, etc. Learning about that would also help me to give a dance class, to explain for example the beginning and movement path, so that all can execute correctly or can find a sensation that causes them to move with a specific quality. But this is equivalent to five more years in the university, it's a long time, I do not know if I'm willing to do that. Maybe doing a workshop would be a better idea, something that is two or three times a week. I would also love a massage course to remove muscle contractions or relaxation, I find it very entertaining.
Sometimes I think it's time for the years of studies that I started to bear fruit, but at the same time I always want to continue learning new things, but I really want that the time is infinite, to be able to do infinite things.
I know that thinking about this makes me a little anxious, but in spite of that I like to want to learn, to investigate, to discover, to create, to dance ... anyway.

Post Three

Hello guys!

The theme of today's post is: My future job.

Well today my work is not stable at all, on the contrary it is exporadic, most of the time in pub. It's hard to find a job where you earn good money and go a few days. Another thing that counts against is the schedule of classes in the university, very tiring. But I only have one year to finish university, so I hope with all my strength that this will change.
I would like very much to become a dancer, more than to make classes I would like to form an established work team and dedicate ourselves to develop our ideas, our projects, so that we can apply for national and international festivals. I would love to be able to dedicate myself to this everything that lasts my life.
There is a group of professional dancers who form the only Chilean dance company of the third age, all over seventy years old. After several years of having hung their sneakers they decided to form their own company of dance: Generation of the yesterday. They have already celebrated more than twenty years of trajectory, they have won several prizes and they have realized many tours. Truly admirable. These are the things that make me think that we can fulfill our dreams, our goals and that it is never too late.

I hope this message makes you feel all of you.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Post two

Hey guys!!
In this oportunnity I want to talk abut the best vacation of my life
This vacation was several years ago, I was 19 or so. I traveled to Tal Tal with my best friend, she's called Baby, we went for a week and a couple more days. We traveled by bus from Iquique, we took about 10 hours and stayed at their parents' house. Baby is from Tal Tal and she studied engineering in Iquique, in the same university as I, we met there and became very good friends.
Tal Tal is very small, everyone knows each other, has beautiful beaches and coves, at that moment had a single dicoteque called Costa Cuervo, we went to dance there almost every night, it was a great party. I remember that when the party ended, we always had a very fresh fish sandwish, with lots of ketchup, really delicious! I also remember a beach that I liked a lot, Cifuncho, extensive, a pleasant climate, and warm waters. We liked to go in the mornings and in the afternoons we liked to go to the square, all guys gathered there to talk, to have a drink and have a good time. I was impressed that they were everyone's friends, incredible.

I have not been able to find myself with Baby for a long time, we took different courses, she returned to Tal Tal and I came to Santiago. I miss her, but we still have contact and hope to see her soon.

This is a picture of Cifuncho, I hope you can meet this beach some day.

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Post One

Hello everyone,

Today I'm going to talk about a country I'd like to visit. This country is Cuba
I'd love to visit this country because I really like its magical landscape.

I saw some pictures that my sister showed me. She had the opportunity to visit  Cuba many years ago, when she was 22 years,and she told me in detail what happened in each adventure.
 I remember that she told me that its beaches was amazing, the beach that most she liked was Varadero, its waters were so clear that allowed to see the turtles, fish and corals. My sister imagined that suddenly a shark would appear, bathed in the sea with some fear jajaja... I, would have been more than happy bathing in those waters.

I really want to sunbathe, lying on those white sands. Many say they are the best beaches in the world. So I assure you that when the opportunity presents itself to know Cuba, I will not doubt it and I will leave with my backpack and nothing more...

I'll leave you some photos so you can imagine the beauty of Cuban beaches:

I'll write to you soon, hugs!